Sunday, March 21, 2010

Birds and Babies

This winter has found Joan gone to the BIRDS! Here's a bunch who were enjoying left over apples and then hopped up on the shed to digest. Then we were thrilled to celebrate the new baby in the family, Bryan and Jess Davie's sweet Addison June. Here are some highlights of her baby blessing. And it looks like all the other pictures I pulled up of that are not here so maybe I'll have to go back and try and get them here. Maybe picassa only lets me do three at a time. Anyway, just in case they're here and I just can't see them, it was a beautiful evening at Bryan's Mom and Dad's home and it was a delight to be with them for that. And the last pictures you'll see will be the Snow Goose Festival in Delta Utah which was amazing and there will be some more 'splainin' to do about that!

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